The Executive Board of Local 1228 passed a resolution to hold virtual Local Union meetings via ZOOM on the third Wednesday of each month starting at 8:00pm. We will have some protocols in place:
- You must be a member in good standing to attend. That means your dues must be paid up and no more than 3 months in arrears.
- You must contact me by email to say you would like to attend the meeting. I will include you on the email invitation to the meeting and you a will be assigned a password.
- As usual, we will be running the meetings by Roberts Rules of Order and offer courtesy and respect of all participants and require the same from all participants.
- The President may reschedule the date of the meeting in certain circumstances and the notice of the rescheduled date will be posted on our website [ibew1228.org] as well as through Shop Stewards.
- There must be a quorum of at least 7 members for the meeting to be official.
- Documents that are to be considered by the membership shall be shared in the ZOOM meeting for all to review live.
- No documents are allowed to be downloaded or photographed for dissemination outside of the Local Union meeting unless approved by the President.
- All meetings will follow the normal order of business set out in the IBEW Constitution.
- No meeting shall go beyond 11:00pm
Thanks for your continued support of Local 1228.
In solidarity,
Fletcher Fischer